Chan Chee Man recalls Master Yip Man

Chan Chee Man has been awarded at 2009 the prize “Lifetime Achievement Award” by organization "the World Organization of Wushu and Kung Fu Masters."

He learned Ving Tsun at around 1955, according to his memory, at that year, he had been the last student accepted in RESTAURANT UNION stage. At that time, the restaurant union place was very small, every night around 21:30, Master Yip man after class needed to carry a big lamp to light up the path, and then went to Sham Shui Po Third Prince temple for teaching Kung Fu. The restaurant union is across the Wong Chuk Street and Tai Nan Street (nowaday the place has been reconstructed as a new building) where close to Third Prince temple. Normally, I helped take the lamp (which rented not owned), Master Yip Man and I accompanied him to walk to Third Prince temple for teaching Kung Fu. I still remember at those year, after 20:00, street was very dark especially the place where we walked through. I, at around 17, 18 years at that time was just a kid-like student (little SiDei), in street kept asking Master Yip Man for hand-forms and technique of Ving Tsun when 2 of us walked together, and intentionally tried to ask if there exist some "master-stroke". And Master Yip Man looked back at me with smile and said, "we don't have any master stroke, if one keep practice, every stroke is a master stroke, if one practice lazily, every stroke is poor stroke, if one can practice good our Ving Tsun form, he/she must be concise, direct and fine with detailed, if one fail, he/she will be rough in technique. " This saying I keep in mind and it still like he just talked yesterday. (At that year, the area from Nan Chong was in Li Chi Kwok road head down to Chong Sha Wan, where just a messy land and was like construction site, every night Master Yip and me walked through that land with lamp across Nan Chong to Third Price Temple.

I remember that Third Prince Temple from the gate step in, there is a main entrance, left side is a hall, at that time the place though big but too dark, only a little light at far end where the buddha located, the left hall had some Globse chairs and tables, temple 's main entrance facing to shops which sold funeral paper offerings (nowaday no more here, all are reconstructed and form new buildings), many Sihing worked at those funeral paper shops, they worn traditional chinese garment, every night after finished work and shop closed, they gathered in the Third Prince Temple and trained Ving Tsun, their form is excellent, correct, detailed, and controled, hit at right time, nowaday scenary still vively in my brain, particularly, Master Yip Man 's form even more advance. Deeply remember one time master Yip Man talking about the rule and theory behind, at the same time demonstrated for us, and sometimes, he during talking the rules and theory, at the same time washing hands in the copper basin. Greatly appreciate the Sihings and Master Yip Man 's teaching, and all touched my heart I very much appreciated.

Ving Tsun Fighting Theory:(limited to knowledge for correct translation) 詠春之博擊拳理: 譙形與追形、以手先行﹐當對方一踏入自己發拳位置﹐這時應立即當機立斷﹐標入搶打﹐打著進、打著退﹐追身不追手、應打即打、打手內搶打手、上標起來手、下枕打低來手、打手是消手、來留去送、甩手直衝﹐畏打終被打、貪打失平衡 (易被打中頭)。 切記﹗詠春拳是沒有只消不打﹐相反是應打即打﹐因為只消不打終被打﹐就算消到來手到第九、第十下後必被打中﹐這樣只會讓對方越攻越心雄﹐因為感到對方沒有威脅性。 (這數句說話葉師生前常提在口中) (臨場心得) (these sentence Master Yip Man always said) 陳志文先生獲頒發「世界功夫武術段位制」終身成就獎。 Chan Chee Man has been awarded at 2009 the prize “Lifetime Achievement Award” by organization "the World Organization of Wushu and Kung Fu Masters."